Reservation and cancellation policy for stay or events in the Garden of Nâm

Payment and Reservation
Your reservation is final upon receipt of the amount to be paid. When payment has been received, your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. We can provide an invoice on request.
Cancellation Policy

In case you need to cancel your booking, we invite you to use our offer to reschedule your booking, free of charge. In case you do not yet know the dates, it is all right. You are welcome to schedule your new dates within a year after cancellation.

If you wish to be reimbursed, please note that the following conditions will apply:

1: If you cancel your booking up to three months in advance, reimbursement of 100% of the total amount of your booking.
2: If you cancel your booking up to one month in advance, reimbursement of 75 % of the total amount of your booking.
3: If you cancel your booking up to two weeks before the start date, reimbursement of 50 % of the total amount of your booking.
4: In case of cancellation within two weeks before the start date, no reimbursement will be available. You will be obligated to pay the full amount of your booking.

Should you decide to leave earlier during your stay, we apply a 48-hour policy and the nights that fall within 48 hours will be charged. For the remaining nights, you are invited to reschedule the dates another period without costs, within a year after cancellation. Reimbursement will not be possible.
For the purpose of determining the 48 hours, check-in time of 15:00 pm will count as the start of the 24 hours.

* When you book through another channel than our own website, the cancellation conditions of the platform concerned apply.

Lost or Stolen items
If an incident occurs during your stay resulting in theft, loss or damage of your property, the Garden shall not be liable for it.
Health and Safety

To ensure the safety of guests and our property, we kindly ask you to respect that smoking, in the garden or inside the buildings, is not allowed. Please use the designated spaces.

If you have a contagious illness such as a cold or an (emerging) flu we request that you postpone your stay. If you develop such symptoms during your stay, we request that you isolate as much as possible, as appropriate. In case of symptoms, we ask you to inform the staff. In this case, we shall follow applicable public measures.

Please note that the garden and the wider surroundings of Níjar are a robust environment. During walks, please take special care. We shall not be liable for any accidents during your stay.

On certain occasions, we may wish to take photos of the events and activities taking place at the retreat centre, and use these for promotional activities. Please note that we will not publish any material on which you would appear without your consent.
Contact Us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us.