The Monthly Journals

The Garden of Nâm Blog

Journal February 2022

Normally, January is one of the months in which the area around Níjar receives a lot of rain, but this year the water falling from the sky was sparse. The temperatures were a little more elevated compared to the average,

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Journal January 2022

The month of December passed quickly and a lot of work has been done in the garden and around the houses. There were some guests that have been here and we enjoyed their presence and contribution to the overall atmosphere.

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Journal December 2021

During the course of last month the number of guests reduced and this gave us some time and space to reorganise and take a step back to focus on our priorities. The trees in the garden that don’t settle too

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Journal November 2021

We have had a fully booked house in the past few months and also the coming month all rooms are occupied. The extra helping hands have been very welcome and we are pleased to see all guests look forward to

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Journal October 2021

These past weeks have been quite busy. After the successful retreat we have beenwelcoming several guests and we are expecting a full house for the month of October. The weather permits some more and longer working hours in the garden,

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Journal September 2021

During July and August we had only a few guests. In July one of the permanent residents, and in August the other two, travelled to the Netherlands for 3-4 weeks. During these times we experienced some really hot days, during

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