The Garden of Nâm
Retreat Center
At the moment of writing this newsletter the wood stove in the meditation room is finally being installed. Finally, because the colder days of the year, colder according to Andalusian understanding, have unmistakably arrived. Although the touch of cool air feels like a gift, after the semi-desert climate summer heat, we have also learned to love and enjoy the warmth that the mediterranean sun shares so abundantly. The sunrises and sunsets are wonderful at this time of the year and the light of the low standing sun spreads an enchanting golden glow on the garden. Its strength should not be underestimated still, as we notice when we step out of the shade and absorb the precious warmth during the day

This month we have some nice and new topics to share with you. People in the region are noticing that a meditation and retreat centre with a wonderful and sustainable garden is taking shape. Some of them are finding their way to visit the Garden of Nâm Living; for instance to participate in a Silent Retreat, join a meditation or to taste the different fruits in the garden. This development has given rise to live Gatherings with Yoginâm where guests, visitors and staff are given the opportunity to experience the drum and HarpMood live in the meditation room every Thursday evening and enjoy a tranquil cup of tea afterwards. In order to avoid talking about what cannot be explained Yoginâm has written a small booklet, simple and straightforward, titled “What is Nâm”. It contains an introduction, 7 key elements of Nâm and 21 steps for a Nâm transformation. On the booklet Yoginâm writes:
“Because of its nature it is very difficult to say in a few words what Nâm is. When people ask questions about it, answers can be confusing because they always represent a very personal viewpoint. Nâm starts with a number of general assumptions about life and allows them, once integrated, to work their alchemy, from which quite naturally a beneficial way of attitudes and behaviour emerges. I wrote this little text as an introduction and as an answer to the inevitable question of: ‘What is Nâm’. Please spread this booklet as much as possible, in order that more people can discover this very beneficial way of living.”
The booklet can be downloaded for free, a donation in return is appreciated.

Furthermore, thanks to donations three new construction projects can be done that bring the Garden of Nâm Living a big step closer to its completion. The first project is almost done. An elegant monastic wall has been build around a part of the garden to provide for our guests a more secluded experience during their stay. The wall provides for a more meditative atmosphere, yet its structure is still open and allows sunlight to filter through for people who pass by to enjoy. The second project is improvement of the paths, stairs and walls that connect and carry the different terraces in the garden. At some spots the flanking and quite unique cactusgarden is extended. And last but not least the construction has started of a 2nd floor on top of the meditation room and of some extra facilities there. Space for lessons, courses & workshops such as Qi Gong, Shamanic experiences & Yoga activities.
October and November have been very busy months for us and we were happy to see so many people enjoying their stay here. Among them there were many new guests (regional, from Europe and way beyond), old friends, family and we have had the complete team from Asharum Amonines staying here (in fact one still does…). We have been working on the agenda for coming year and in the meantime our new website is taking shape. As a preview we can already say that a diverse menu of retreats will be presented, varying in character, activities and intensity. The dates of the 2024 Nâm Silent Retreats can already be found in the agenda!

Building, cleaning, shaping and refining the Garden of Nâm Living – wether one is working in the garden, the kitchen, on the paths of behind a computer – can best be seen as an outward expression of an inner purification. That is something that is to be discovered for this alchemy depends entirely on openness and intent. Some people gradually notice that being in the Garden of Nâm Living is not only a chance to receive but also to contribute. Other people have already experienced the difference and are now making their journey here to actively participate in the chores, tasks and efforts that create, nurture and evolve this place. One of them wrote a nice piece on working on the path. We will conclude this months journal with his metaphorical experience.
Thank you for sharing in our adventures. We wish you and all who are around you a beautiful and loving December!

“My last visit in Nijar stays dear in my heart. While working with others on the envisioned elevated, meditative pathway in the garden of Nam, sometimes the metaphor of ‘The path’ came to mind – how very appropriate; to walk in the footsteps of Yoginâm – hermit, master, sage and such. For myself I can clearly see, that in a world gone mad and with no direction except destruction and chaos, the Garden of Nam in it’s unfolding beauty and lushness, is like a beacon of light in an ocean of darkness. It is more and more becoming an Oasis, also for insects and animals; the trees grow deeper roots and give harvest so rich that you sometimes fear for their little branches. The f ield of resonance is palpable – a bubble that becomes a local reality, if you will. A place of transformation in awe, wonder and beauty, expressed through the empty mirror of my own being while applying myself. That wonderful meditative path in the garden of Nam – and within – that we are building calls out my heart and I guess that is all that matters in the light of all eternity,”