Journal June 2024

Living in the Garden of Nâm

One of the unique characteristics of the Garden of Nâm is the fact that it lies close to the Hermitage of Yoginâm. There a way of living takes place that is continuously dressed in Silence. The presence of the Hermitage greatly supports and inspires the serene and transformative atmosphere that is tangible in the Garden of Nâm.

The evolution of the Garden of Nâm is experienced by many as a miracle. It feels like the place presented itself and invited us to make something beautiful out of it. While we take care of the Garden we see how it allows its guests to catch their breath, to open up and to feel connected again. Many find inspiration and ways to optimise living. It is beautiful to see.

May started with a full day of Attunement. Friends from all over the world participated in the monastic rhythm with five communal Attunements that were broadcasted from the Hermitage, a continuous online connection was maintained. With closed eyes and submerged in meditation the limitation of distances and differences evaporated completely.

The past weeks we subsequently hosted two self organising groups that provided a full house during most of the month. Active guests who enjoyed sharing in the practical tasks of the Garden. For some being in Silence was a new adventure and visiting the Hermitage left a deep impression. Excursions to the playas of Cabo de Gata and seeing more of the picturesque Andalusian surroundings contributed to a memorable stay.

The second group came specifically for a Zhineng QiGoing retreat . During its early awakening the Garden was decorated with raising Qi and tranquil movements in the Pavilion. Chinese tradition has a complete and effective approach to manage a healthy, connected and sustainable way of living. It seems that with care and practise, growing older does not necessarily mean a decline in physical and mental health. On the contrary!

We concluded the month with a Silence Retreat. A small group this time and accompanied by five other guests who came driven by different motives. One young lady sought - as she puts it - a ReTreatment to relax and unwind. Another concluded a years journey around the world before traveling back to Denmark. Then there was a young entrepreneur who came to participate in a private yoga intensive and a fourth found a suitable place for silent Zen practice. Our fifth extra guest came as a volunteer to help out with her outstanding needlework skills. In between two nomadic couples joined for for a peaceful pause, a HarpMood blessing and Yoga classes. Imagine how all these movements took place in synchrony and played out in harmony next to each other…

There appear to be many people who choose to live a nomadic life for a while. Adventurous, challenging, inspiring and sometimes confronting. When one asks why, the answer not rarely is: to explore what living is about, unburdened by convictions and possessions. But also: to heal and to be free from the hectic living in what the Korean-German philosopher Byung-Chul Han calls the Tired Society. The search for satisfaction in the continuous bombardment of impulses hinder young generations to explore Soul communication and thus to get to know and handle themselves better. Without it the Human creative capability no longer supports a natural connection to the surrounding world and the maintenance of a healthy psychological state. Fortunately, Life wants to live optimally and it searches for ways to do so igniting more and more people to go on a quest.

We gladly share this review from one of our guest:

QiGong retreat May 2024

Through Qi Friends (Wabke and Mathilde) I participated in a QiGong week in the Garden of Nâm. Recommended!

The Garden is located in a beautiful, quiet place in nature where a lot of love, attention and dedication has been given.

That is palpable. A place that naturally affected me.

The Asha meditations, the rhythm of the day and the lifestyle within the Garden of Nâm helped with this.

Nutrition for my deepest self/being and literally good tasty food from the kitchen ;).

The range of QiGong components with the Lift Qi Up in the morning (nice outside, view of the mountains far away), and in the afternoon more attention to the organs, guasha and the meridians, was excellent.

For myself, the HarpMood was “being touched by love” & an intense companion in the days that followed.

After the Gathering with Yoginâm on Thursday evening I felt a shift within myself; as if something dissolved. Not that easy to put into words.

I went home “close to myself”, effortless, a few tears lighter, looking forward to life and curious about Nâm ;).

Thanks to the place, thanks to you!

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Journal July 2024

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