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Il Giardino di Nâm Blog

Giornale luglio 2023

L'estate è iniziata e il ricordo delle abbondanti piogge è già evaporato dal calore del sole andaluso. Il ritmo quotidiano si adatta facilmente ai momenti caldi e freschi della giornata. Il regno animale non sembra essere

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Giornale giugno 2023

Pioggia. Dopo un'estate precoce, le ultime settimane di maggio ci hanno regalato acque paradisiache. L'autunno scorso ha portato a malapena le solite piogge, quindi questa è molto gradita. I prezzi dell'olio d'oliva sono aumentati nelle ultime settimane in previsione delle piogge.

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Giornale maggio 2023

Nijar Monestary Guesthouse Usually around this time the rain saturates the Andalusian soil. This year however it seems that summer has decided to arrive earlier. Fortunately, we’re living in an oasis with plenty of water. What a delicious season! While

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Giornale aprile 2023

With temperatures well above the seasonal average life in the Andalusian Asharum could be worse. Trees are coming back to life, green is popping up everywhere, flowers start to appear and the birds keep sharing their songs. While life confronts

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Giornale marzo 2023

The shorter month of February passed quickly and the temperatures started rising mid-month giving us a feeling of spring. Although we had a few rainy days, we would like to see some more rain this season, also to give the

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Giornale febbraio 2023

The colder period has started in Nijar. Here, the cold of winter comes late in the season, while November and December are usually quite agreeable months. In these months, temperatures near 20 degrees and with the Andalusian sun, the days

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Giornale gennaio 2023

The year has come to an end. Or the year has just begun. It’s a matter of perspective and convention. Living in an Asharum means living in service of what is. Realising that all seperations are an illusion makes one

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Giornale dicembre 2022

They say change is the only constant. Adapting attitudes and behaviour to changing circumstances, while realising everything is an expression of the same unknowable whole-ness is one of the keys in finding well-being in life. Through gracefully accepting in peace

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Giornale novembre 2022

In our way of life we aim to acknowledge peacefully that ‘it is what it is’ and take it as a starting point. To embrace what happens and take up the responsibility to achieve the most harmonious situation for everyone

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Giornale settembre 2022

The most intense heat has passed. Temperatures are still above 30 degrees Celsius, but being outside in the sun is more bearable. The evenings are noticeably becoming shorter, so after our supper there is a small hour left to do

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