냠의 정원에서 생활하기 강우, 휴양지, 주민들

월간 저널, 2024년 11월호

Gradually the signs of nightly visitors from El Tribu de Jabalí are fading from the garden. More recent attempts of entering ´their garden of delicacies´ are visible on the other side of the newly installed fence but by the look of it the boars have finally given up. Good news for Andree who has with renewed verve started to plant fresh crops. Everywhere future moments of delightful cuisine are emerging which gives a spring feeling to the garden. Citrus fruits are abundantly growing and ready to be enjoyed, the figs are on their return but the pomegranates still bring their fresh and rich taste to our daily diet. And the sweet smell of blossoms with the cosy humming of wild bees announce a new supply of medlars (nísperos).

부드러운 강우

Abundant rainfall spread itself out over the last few weeks. Fresh and revitalised growth is showing all around, now that the soil has been nurtured thoroughly. The weather has changed completely, almost overnight, during the first part of the month and autumn is now, indeed, in full reign. Although the rainfall can be harsh here, like in the beginning of the month, we received a lot of water falling from the sky and gently spread over several days. We hear that in other places in Andalusia and Catalonia it is shown once again that when nature roars human life can be very fragile. We have received many concerned messages asking us how we are doing and we are grateful to say that no calamities happened here. On the contrary, the Garden of Nâm flourished in many ways.

남성을 위한 님 사일런스 리트리트

With four retreats in October we had a full house during most part of the month. Firstly: the tradition of a yearly Nâm Retreat of Silence for Men has revived and for the first time all monastic Attunements were held in our meditation room in stead of the adjacent Hermitage. Some men applied active meditation during the week by working silently on the pathways in the garden. It not only intensified the deep silence in the garden but also enriched its atmosphere. Although not participating in the retreat meditations, the supporting staff was drawn in a parallel retreat experience. Next years men’s retreat is already in the agenda. Note the date: 19th - 25th of October 2025.

요가와 샤머니즘 휴양지

After a very nice Patanjali Yoga event we were able to host a Shamanic Retreat with Anna Montis, native Shaman from Sardinia. Anna inherited the Shamanic gift from her grandfather. “Shamanism”, she says, “is a primordial psychology that is capable of reaching the deepest state of our soul. It is intended to manage the irrational part in ourselves.” In fact shamanism is a non-term. She prefers to call it causal investigation: a way to explore and manage soul communication; communication through feeling.” Through shamanic travelling, storytelling and other techniques Anna enables exploration of the way the transcendental and daily living are intertwined. For all participants the shamanic retreat was truly a healing event. Next spring Anna will return for another basic (18th - 22nd of May) and an advanced event (22nd - 26th of May). More information will be coming soon, please check: www.shamannam.com.

그리고 남성을 위한 또 다른 휴양지

After a week of Silent Attunement, a weekend of Yoga practise and 5 days of shamanic healing and travelling we concluded the month with another Men’s Retreat. In this case, however, is was certainly not a silent one. Under the guidance of Alexander Gustav - who is also known as the Peacesinger - the men started every day with Energetic Body Alignment exercises, followed by Asha meditation instructions. The men liked to work in the Garden and their experience was complemented with trips to Cabo de Gata and - last but not least - highlighted with a few beautiful chant sessions. After a week the men went home again, content, empowered and recharged. Next chance to to join a week like this with Alexander; 17th - the 23rd of March. For more info and subscription, please check: www.thepeacesinger.com.

다양성 존중

With all these different ways of relating and listening to life one can easily sense the different intensities and benefits and nuances of each tradition. We see a growing number of Spanish guests coming and although “nosotros todavía estamos aprendiendo español” the contact is warm and the communication more than good enough to support their stay and the events. It shows once again that not only Mind, but also Body, Soul and Spirit are involved. Carried by the environment and the service of the staff each guest experiences his or her own authentic journey. We are fortunate to meet so many open and kind people and to witness the increase of well-being that accompanies their stay. We also learn a lot what is not a strange thing in a place that embraces people from all walks of life and all different backgrounds and cultures. Anna, for instance, showed us how to eat cactus fruit and she made smudge sticks from the abundant herbs that grow in the garden. “Not just smudge” as Anna sees it but “magic fragrance from the Garden of Nâm, the new Garden of Eden”. And indeed, the cleansing sticks smell heavenly and they work very well!

경로를 개선하는 방법

Active meditation is an essential part of living in the Garden of Nâm. This bears fruit for the guests as well as the garden. This mid autumn the paths in the middle and lower part of the garden have been improved a lot. Like in the upper part, the paths have been strengthened and elevated so that when rain falls and during irrigation the paths don’t turn into small streams but stay free from the water, while the land gets nurtured. Furthermore, due to a donation by Yoginâm the Pavilion has been surrounded with slate paving, which has a magnificent effect on the shapes and forms of that part of the garden.

같은 흐름으로 트라이어드도 완성되었습니다. 요기남은 트라이어드로 이어지는 길을 적절한 방식으로 설계했습니다. 그것은 정원에서 트라이어드의 위치에 매우 아름다운 차원을 부여합니다. 사진으로는 그 아름다움을 다 표현할 수 없습니다. 여러분을 초대합니다!

올리브 수확

이 모든 활기찬 발전 사이에 우리는 예상보다 일찍 올리브를 수확해야 했습니다. 올리브가 무거워져 나무에서 떨어지기 시작했죠. 올해 수확은 다시 한 번 자체적으로 추가 압착을 하기에 충분했습니다. 몇 년에 한 번씩 일부 나무들이 집단적으로 휴식을 취하는데 올해가 바로 그 해였습니다. 지난 몇 년간 풍성한 수확을 거둔 후이니 당연한 일이죠! 함께 올리브를 따면서 나무의 에너지를 느낄 수 있어서 정말 즐거웠습니다. 무거운 짐을 내려놓은 것 같아 안도하는 것 같았어요. 정원의 황금빛 꿀을 다시 한 번 맛보게 되어 기쁩니다. 올해 맛은 덜 매운 대신 더 부드럽고 향이 풍부합니다. 올리브도 준비했지만 맛보려면 조금 더 기다려야 할 것 같습니다.

냠 정원에 오래 머무는 거주자

네, 9호실에 새로운 장기 체류자가 생겼습니다. 이미 오랫동안 알고 지낸 루이사는 11월 30일에 아름다운 작은 흰색 치와와와 함께 도착했습니다. 이들은 현재 단골 게스트인 카린(Carin)이 주최하는 침묵 수련회에 참여하고 있으며, 올해 마지막 님 침묵 수련회입니다. 시작이 대단하네요! 루이사, 어서 오세요! 니자르에서 살아있는 냠에 뛰어들고 이곳에 기여할 방법을 모색하는 단골 게스트가 더 많아졌습니다. 그 중 한 명은 오랜 친구이기도 한데, 현재 인접한 폐허를 매입하여 조금씩 단계적으로 개조할 계획을 세우고 있습니다. 또 다른 헌신적 인 길 건설자는 실용적인 지혜의 안전한 보호자가 그의 점프를 지원할 수 있도록 생계를 유지할 수있는 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 다음 저널 중 하나에서 이러한 발전에 대해 자세히 알려 드리겠습니다!

방문자, 일상, 초월성

Many friends and family members have come last month to see how we are doing. Some of them joined the life in the Garden for a while, others came and made a day trip to taste the atmosphere and to spend some time with their loved ones. It was and still is very nice to see them and when they return home, a warm memory of their stay lingers on.

It is an amazing sight to see all the different movements, people, intentions, activities and experiences amalgamate into the flow that we call living. A living that shares in transcendence and at the same time takes place nowhere else than in the practise of daily life; where everything is continuously happening in the duration of now. In order to manage this living optimally, we draw inspiration from the life and works of Yoginâm who is supporting the creation of a place where the natural state of being gets a chance of being restored. The healing resonance of the Garden of Nâm emerges in silence. One of our guests formulated it quite well: “The most important things are communicated and received in Silence”. For optimal living all that is needed, Yoginâm writes, is an open attitude infused with Awe, Wonder and Gratefulness.

작성자 아바타
냠의 정원

공유 :

답글 남기기

이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다. 필수 필드는 *로 표시됩니다

최신 소식 받기

저희 프로젝트가 마음에 드시나요?

뉴스레터를 구독하고 이메일로 월간 저널을 받아보세요.

저희도 스팸을 좋아하지 않습니다.

자세히 보기

냠 정원의 가을: 특별한 손님, 야생 동물의 도전, 그리고 새로운 시작

이번 초판에서는 안드레가 지난 달 남의 정원에서의 생활을 스케치합니다. 특별한 손님 남의 정원에는 초대받은 손님과 초대받지 않은 손님, 낮과 밤의 방문객 등 여러 명의 특별한 손님이 있었습니다: 첫 번째 손님은 이웃집의 아주 착하고 어린 강아지 치코였는데, 하루 종일 우리와 함께 놀며 다음과 같이 놀았습니다.


야생동물, 자연, 그리고 변화: 냠 리트리트 센터의 정원에서의 생활

님의 정원에서 이상한 일이 일어나고 있습니다. 예기치 않은 변화와 이상 징후를 알아차리기 시작했습니다. 큰 바위가 갑자기 움직이고, 선인장 조각이 부러진 것을 발견합니다. 그리고 누군가 또는 무언가가 여기저기 구멍을 파기 시작한 것을 발견했습니다. 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는 걸까요? 변화 모든 변화는 무언가가 끝나는 것을 의미하는 것 같습니다.


2024년 7월 저널

냠의 정원에서의 생활 이번 초여름 에디션에서는 안드레가 냠의 정원에서의 생활에 대한 인상을 공유하고 직접 와서 맛보도록 초대합니다. 주민으로서 그녀는 여행뿐만 아니라 객실과 텃밭을 관리하고 있습니다. 메뚜기, 민달팽이와 씨름한 후의 채소밭,


최신 소식 받기

뉴스레터를 구독하고 다음 이벤트에 대한 최신 소식을 받아보고 이메일로 월간 저널을 받아보세요.

저희도 스팸을 좋아하지 않습니다.